The path towards 2030: Nordic corporate sustainability stock take

A report on the Nordic region’s efforts and challenges towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. 

UN Global Compact’s Nordic members from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland have collaboratively compiled an in-depth report shedding light on the Nordic region’s efforts to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The purpose of the report is to assess the current status, challenges, and opportunities for Nordic businesses on their journey towards 2030. It also seeks to provide insights into specific areas where the Nordic countries excel and where there is room for improvement. Furthermore, the report establishes a foundation for measuring future progress and identifies critical areas for both business enhancement and governmental intervention.  

From this excerpt of the report, we can discern that in a world buzzing about nature, a startling revelation emerges: few Nordic companies see sustainability goals for 2030 within reach. With commitment levels unexpectedly low and only half wanting stricter environmental rules, one must ask: Are businesses truly ready to step up? Dive into the report for gripping insights

The report integrates both existing and new data sources that haven’t been previously aggregated, thereby providing valuable insights for both the private and public sectors in the Nordics. Using this data along with in-depth interviews, outlines how the private sector can contribute to the SDGs. The report highlights the Nordic region as a model for global sustainable progress due to its unique mix of business and policy. 

This report was produced in collaboration with Accenture.  

You can download the report here.