For 2025 planlegges det med erfaringsdeling blant annet fokusert på EUs bærekraftsrapporteringsdirektiv (CSRD) og medfølgende rapporteringsstandarder (ESRS), vitenskapsbaserte klimamål (SBTi), rapportering på natur (TNFD og ESRS), omstillingsplaner, sosial bærekraft og verdikjeder.
Kommende aktiviteter:
Tidligere aktiviteter
Om: bærekraftsrapportering for SMBer – Økende krav til leverandørkjeder (Nov 2024)
I samling 2 av vår interaktive møteserie «Om: bærekraftsrapportering for små og mellomstore bedrifter!» temaet var “Økende kundeforventninger til leverandørkjeden”.
Mia Holmsen (YouSustain), Tobias Thorleifsson (Kongsberg) og Ragnhild Dalheim Eriksen (SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge) delte sine erfaringer og ekspertise.
Du kan ser på Mia Holmsen´s presentasjon om EUs frivillige standarder nedenfor.
Les mer om møteserien her.
CSRD/ESRS Peer exchange for advanced reporters (Nov 2024)
UN Global Compact Norway and Wilhelmsen held a peer exchange on CSRD/ESRS implementation for our most advanced member companies. The focus was on transition plans, scenario analyses, and other challenges around CSRD reporting.
Read more about the event here.
Read the notes from that meeting here.
Best practice and challenges, human rights in supply chains (Oct. 2024)
A webinar for UN Global Compact Norway members that explored important aspects of human rights in supply chains. The webinar covered practical insights to stay ahead of regulatory changes and developments in the field.
Samling for bærekraftsledere (Sep. 2024)
UN Global Compact Norge inviterte til en eksklusiv samling for bærekraftsledere i våre medlemsbedrifter med fokus på omstillingsplaner, endringsledelse og hvordan involvere og engasjere på tvers av bedriften sammen med andre ledende innenfor bærekraft.
Ask the Experts: How to strategically prepare for reporting under CSRD/ESRS (June 2024)
Together with Position Green, an international sustainability consultancy, we hosted an interactive online discussion on how to strategically prepare your company for reporting under the European Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD).
How can companies reconcile increasing EU regulation around increasing product life with their science-based target commitments. This webinar was part of a series of webinars co-hosted by the Nordic UN Global Compact Networks launching three business briefs that emerged from Nordic peer learning groups on dilemmas in science-based target setting. Read more about the webinar and business brief here.
Leading companies with complex supply chains and experts share best practice tips around supplier engagement to reduce GHG emissions and implement greener materials into their products. This webinar was part of a series of webinars co-hosted by the Nordic UN Global Compact Networks launching three business briefs that emerged from Nordic peer learning groups on dilemmas in science-based target setting. Read more about the webinar and business brief here.
In this webinar, we navigate the complexities and uncertainties around FLAG target setting, providing an introduction to the challenges and some recommendations for those companies starting on the journey. This webinar was part of a series of webinars co-hosted by the Nordic UN Global Compact Networks launching three business briefs that emerged from Nordic peer learning groups on dilemmas in science-based target setting. Read more about the webinar and business brief here.
CSRD/ESRS Peer Exchange – hosted by Nortura & UN Global Compact Norge (Nov. 2023)
Together with Nortura we hosted a Peer Exchange with leading reporters to share learnings and insights around preparing for EU CSRD/ESRS sustainability reporting. Read the notes from that meeting here.
Innføring og erfaringer om EUs nye bærerkaftsrapporteringsdirektiv (CSRD) (Jan. 2023)
Rambøll, Norsk Hydro, Telenor
Introduction to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRI, The Governance Group, Norsk Hydro (Sept. 2021)
Åpenhetsloven: Hva betyr den for bærekraftsrapportering i Norge?
Etisk Handel Norge, Norges OECD-kontaktpunkt for ansvarlig næringsliv, GRI (Des. 2021)
Reporting on Supply Chain Sustainability
UN Global Compact-Decent Work and Social Sustainability expert, CDP (Nov. 2021)
Reporting on emissions through Science Based Targets (SBT)
CEMAsys, Agder Energi (Juni 2021)
Bærekraftsrapportering for Små og Mellomstore Bedrifter (SMBer)
Sparebank 1 Østlandet, Fana Sparebank, Scatec, Atlantic Sapphire og Regnskap Norge (Juni 2021)
UN Global Compact’s Communication on Progress Report and SDG Action Manager
UN Global Compact Global CoP reporting team, Yara. (Apr. 2021)
EU Taxonomy: Practical Insights on Sustainability Reporting
DNB, Handelsbanken, KLP, EY (Feb 2021)